WebGL Video/Audio Renderer/Merger for webrtc

I developed a WebGL-based tool designed to merge video and audio streams for WebRTC based on the videos or images coordinates in real-time, enabling seamless recording and live streaming from WebRTC conference meetings. This feature was integrated into a conference meeting platform, enhancing the user experience by providing recording and streaming capabilities. Recognizing the potential benefits for the broader community, I have decided to make a portion of this feature open source.


Web Development


JavaScript, webgl



Key features:

  • WebGL Integration: Utilized WebGL to handle complex video and audio merging processes, ensuring high performance and quality.
  • WebRTC Compatibility: Specifically for WebRTC, allowing smooth integration with various WebRTC-based applications.
  • Recording and Live Streaming: Enabled both recording of conference meetings and live streaming functionalities, catering to diverse user needs.